Nico is a researcher with WPF’s program, Revitalizing Debate on the Arms Trade, and author of the WPF published report, “Resisting Green Militarism: Building Movements for Peace and Eco-Social Justice” (2023). She is a second year full-time PHD Student in International Relations and a UKRI ESRC SeNSS student-led studentship awardee (fully funded 2022-2026). Her doctoral research project, supervised by Prof Anna Stavrianakis and Dr Andrea Brock, explores the drivers and implications of the ongoing environmental sustainability pivot in military industry and practice, and zooms in on military sector actors’ balancing between strategy and sustainability. Nico has a substantial background in international humanitarian law, political economy and interdisciplinary peace and security studies from SOAS University of London, where her research rigour and critical thinking awarded her the Best Student Profile three out of four years, a wide array of scholarships and grants, and the department-wide Best Dissertation Prize for her postgraduate research on the Arms Trade Treaty. As a recent graduate, Nico entered the field of policy research, parliamentary advocacy and communitarian journalism, becoming an experienced Policy, Program and Communications Officer through placements with various third sector organisations such as Parliamentarians for Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament, La Otra Juventud (Colombia) and PeaceWorks Sweden. She has volunteered for NGOs like Action on Armed Violence, carrying out research and advocacy around victim assistance, collective security and climate action. Next to the PhD, Nico acts as Advisor to Scientists for Global Responsibility, and is recognised as an Emerging Expert with Forum on the Arms Trade.
Nico Edwards