Anna researches and teaches on the international arms trade, UK arms export policy, international arms transfer control, and militarism and security in North-South perspective. She often works in collaboration with civil society organisations, social movements, journalists and parliamentarians, and engages publicly on arms trade issues. Her first book, “Taking Aim at the Arms Trade. NGOs, Global Civil Society and the World Military Order” (Zed Books, June 2010), analysed the way that NGOs such as Amnesty International, Oxfam, Saferworld and Campaign Against Arms Trade work for tighter controls on the arms trade. Since then, she has written about UK arms exports to Saudi Arabia and the war in Yemen; arms sales to Israel and the war in Gaza; and the UN Arms Trade Treaty, which sets common international standards for the regulation of arms transfers. In 2012 she edited a book on “Militarism and International Relations: Political Economy, Security, Theory” with Jan Selby (Routledge). Anna spent ten years as an Editor at Security Dialogue, a top 10 journal in Political Science and International Relations. She co-edited the 2018 special issue on “Militarism and Security: Dialogue, possibilities, limits” with Maria Stern (University of Gothenburg). Anna currently works part time at Sussex so that she can also work as the Director of Research and Strategy at Shadow World Investigations, an organisation that investigations corruption and the arms trade. She has given oral and written evidence to the parliamentary Committees on Arms Export Controls in their inquiries into the use of UK-manufactured weapons in the war in Yemen, UK arms export policy during 2016, and UK arms export policy during 2019. She has also acted as an expert witness in Information Tribunals and criminal trials for anti-arms trade protestors. Anna works with NGOs and campaign groups such as Campaign Against Arms Trade, the Control Arms coalition, and the UK Working Group on Arms on a range of arms trade and control issues. She is a trustee of the Trust for Research and Education on the Arms Trade (TREAT), is a member of the Brussels Group on Arms Exports, and a Listed Expert in the Forum on the Arms Trade. Anna has written about UK arms export for a public audience and given interviews on radio about UK policy. These can be found among her publications.
Anna Stavrianakis