Myths of the Arms Trade

abstract illustration representing arms trade

Between 2013 – 2016, the WPF with Shadow World Investigations hosted a series of expert researcher seminars focused on how to better educate the public about the harms of the arms trade business. The research group decided to publish a collaborative volume documenting the myths that sustain the arms trade in its current form. The group collectively did the research and first draft, with the final narrative drafted by Paul Holden of Shadow World Investigations. 

The resulting book, Indefensible: Seven Myths that Sustain the Global Arms Trade, challenges the widely accepted notion that the arms industry is essential for security, job creation, and economic growth, presenting compelling evidence that it perpetuates war, terrorism, and instability. By debunking industry arguments with case studies and statistics, the book offers strategies to counter the arms trade’s detrimental impact, reclaim democracy, and reshape economies.

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