From Revolving Door to Open-Plan Office

From Revolving Door to Open-Plan Office: The ever-closer union between the UK government and the arms industry, by Sam Perlo-Freeman (Campaign Against the Arms Trade), is a comprehensive and evidence-based analysis of the UK arms industry’s influence on government policy. It examines how and why the arms industry in the United Kingdom (UK) enjoys unprecedented access to the highest levels of government and exerts an excessive influence over government. The report provides an overview of the size of the UK arms industry and its key players, presents detailed data and analysis to examine the key channels of arms industry influence, addresses why it has been able to attain such influence, and details the resulting impacts.

Suggested citation: Perlo-Freeman, Samuel. 2024. “From Revolving Door to Open-Plan Office: The ever-closer union between the UK government and the arms industry,” World Peace Foundation and Campaign Against the Arms Trade (September), available at:

The report includes:

Chapter 1: Introduction: How do they get away with it?

Chapter 2: The UK arms industry

Chapter 3: Context: What is influence?

Chapter 4: Money

Chapter 5: Ideas

Chapter 6: People

Chapter 7: Institutions

Chapter 8: Development of UK Policy Towards the Defence Industry

Chapter 9: UK Arms Procurement: a broken system or designed to serve industry?

Chapter 10. Arms exports – getting away with murder (and grand corruption)

Chapter 11. Conclusions and Recommendations

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